responsible employee

A responsible employee on a college campus is ANYONE on a college campus who has the authority to

  • Hire

  • Promote

  • Discipline

  • Evaluate

  • Grade

  • Formally advise or direct faculty, staff, or students

  • Take action to redress discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct

Folks who are considered responsible employees include

  • Resident Assistants (RAs)

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs)

  • Student and Professional Staff Members

  • Faculty Members

  • Dining Center Employees

  • Coaches

  • Administrators

  • and more.

As a responsible employee, if you hear about or are directly informed about a student, faculty, or staff member’s experience with interpersonal violence, discrimination, harassment, and/or sexual misconduct, you are required to make a report to your university’s Title IX Office.

Learn more about your specific school’s requirements below.

If someone has shared information with you that requires you to make a report, consider saying the following:

If you are concerned about someone sharing information with you that will require you to make a Title IX report, consider saying the following:

“Based on what you have shared with me, I have to make a report to the university’s Title IX office. However, it is up to you if you want to tell them more. I can also get you connected with a confidential resource. You will not get in trouble if you choose to not participate.”

“I apologize for interrupting you, I just want to remind you of my responsibility as a responsible employee before you continue sharing with me. If you disclose anything regarding violence, harassment, or discrimination, I will be required to make a report to the university’s Title IX Office. I am not telling you this to discourage you from sharing your story, I just want to support you in making an informed choice about whether you would like to continue sharing with me. ”

Learn more about how to support folks who disclose to you HERE.

NOTE: Responsible Employees are NOT confidential! If you are looking to speak with a confidential resource on Auraria Campus, confidential employees on Auraria Campus include: